Paolo Chikiamco

Paolo Chikiamco is a Manila-based, Filipino writer whose interests include prose, comics, and interactive fiction. He’s the Managing Editor of Studio Salimbal (, a Filipino comics studio, and runs the Rocket Kapre blog (, which hosts news and resources about Philippine speculative fiction. He has edited Alternative Alamat, an anthology of stories that re-imagine Philippine mythology, and Kwentillion, a young adult-focused comics magazine. His fiction has been published in such venues as Scheherazade’s Façade, Philippine Genre Stories, Steampunk III: Steampunk Revolution, Lauriat, and The Philippine Speculative Fiction series. He has also written comics such as High Society, Mythspace (a series which uses Philippine folklore as the basis for a space opera tale), as well as an interactive wrestling novel for Choice of Games called Slammed! ( You can find him on Twitter as @anitero.

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