Marguerite Dabaie

Born in San Francisco, Marguerite Dabaie moved to New York City in her early 20s and has been rooted there since. Her first major comic, The Hookah Girl and Other True Stories –an autobiography about Palestinian-Americans–was awarded two grants. The cultural differences she has felt between Arab and American cultures heavily informs her work. She strives to combine comics with academia, something that dovetailed into her work on A Voyage to Panjikant.

She is a freelance illustrator and has worked with such publications as theSchool Library Journal, Mizna, and Just World Books, among others. She also regularly contributes to the Electronic Intifada and the Journal of Palestine Studies.

Once a year, Marguerite co-hosts Pete’s Mini Zine Fest, the fest-in-a-bar, in Brooklyn. In their free time, Marguerite and her husband, Chris, love to play video games, participate in pen-and-paper RPGs, and watch good-bad movies. They are self-proclaimed nerds.

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